The Ultimate Glucose Support
Curalin is a safe and effective glucose support supplement. It’s synergistic formula includes 9 natural ingredients that:

The pancreas produces insulin to control glucose levels

The liver regulates blood glucose and the building filters out excess

Reduce sugar & cabs can help prevent blood sugar spikes

Healthy glucose level improves energy

Balanced glucose levels are crucial for maintaining overall health

Weight plays a big roles in how your body processes glucose
Unlocking Nature's Power
Discover Curalin's 9 Key Ingredients for Optimal Health
Ingredient: Turmeric
Active Compound:
Active phytoconstituents–Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) and various volatile oils, including Tumerone, Atlantone, and Zingiberone.
Turmeric has properties to support a healthy inflammation response, which helps help support healthy blood sugar and other health markers. Turmeric also has antioxidant effects, which may help to protect against free radicals.
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that curcumin supplementation supported a healthier inflammation response and improved exercise performance in overweight men (Gong, Li, Duan, Fan, & Li, 2015). These results suggest that turmeric can be a valuable natural supplement for those looking to reduce normal daily inflammation and improve overall health.

Picrorhiza Kurroa
Active Compound:
Active phytoconstituents–Nonglycosidic iridoids, Iridoid glycoside, Cucurbitacin glycoside.
Supports healthy fasting blood glucose levels while also being shown to promote healthy insulin sensitivity. It has also been found to have antioxidant properties and support a healthy inflammation response, which can help protect many areas of your overall health.
The properties of Picrorhiza support healthy liver and spleen processes. 3-5.

Active Compound:
Active property is Tannoid.
The active property is Tannoid, which helps support the physiological function of pancreatic cells.
A study showed that amla extract can help support healthy fasting blood sugar levels.

Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
Active Compound:
Cinnamtannin B1.
Not only does Cinnamon support healthy glucose absorption, metabolism, insulin release, and healthy levels of gluconeogenesis, it also supports healthy weight loss, healthy cholesterol levels, and a healthy nervous system.
Cinnamomum Zeylancum is shown to be beneficial in supporting a healthy nervous system. Benefits include a) weight loss associated b) healthy fasting blood glucose, c) supporting healthy LDL and HDL cholesterol, and d) promoting circulating insulin levels. 31.

Swertia Chirata
Active Compound:
Active compounds that promote cellular glucose metabolism.
Supports a healthy release of insulin from the pancreas and keeps a healthy rate of glucose absorption in the digestive system.
Promotes the activity of the DPP4 and GLP1 enzymes. These enzymes regulate the normal secretion of insulin and the speed that glycogen reserves breakdown in the body. This helps you feel full for longer, making it easier to support healthy blood sugar levels. 34

Bitter Melon
Active Compound:
Active phytoconstituents-Vicine,Charantin,Triterpenoids,and anti-oxidants
Promotes healthy physiological function in pancreatic cells, supports glucose absorption, and the sensitivity of the muscle cells to insulin.
Bitter Melon was shown to help support healthy blood sugar levels after just three months of use. It also helped study participants lose weight and reducing waist size by around .79 inches. Bitter Melon also contains antioxidants which are important to help fight free radicals. 16

Gymnema Sylvestre
Active Compound:
Active phytoconstituents–Saponin, Gymnemicacid, Stigmasterol, Quercitol, Choline, Triethylamine, and the amino acid betaine derivatives.
Saponin is known to help manage cravings for carbs. Metabolically, it promotes healthy insulin release.
A study on Gymnema Sylvestre shows that it supports healthy fasting blood sugar levels as well as blood sugar two hours after eating. 25

Active Compound:
Active phytoconstituents and nutrients-fiber and alkaloids (such-Trimethylamine, Neurin, Trigonelline), Saponin
Helps support a healthy rate of carbohydrate absorption in the digestive system.
A study showed that those who take Fenugreek daily saw statistically healthier levels of post-meal plasmatic glucose and insulin secretion. 13

Syzygium Cumini
Active Compound:
Active phytoconstituents–Anthocyanins, Glucoside, Ellagic acid, Isoquercetin, Kaemferol Myricetin, Quercetin, and Delphinidin.
This active compound helps maintain healthy fasting blood glucose levels.
Supports a healthy physiological function in the liver, creating a reservoir of glucose macromolecules, thereby helping maintain healthy fasting blood glucose levels.

Uncovering the Root Triggers of Glucose Levels

When stressed, our bodies release hormones that can increase blood sugar and lead to unhealthy coping behaviors like overeating or neglecting self care.
How Curalife Helps
Community Support

Curalife's large online community for blood sugar support is a great place to seek help, get answers, and lower stress. Curalin users are reportedly less stressed than non-users, thanks to the supportive community and powerful formula.

A diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar, and low in fibers and healthy fats is the foundation of an unhealthy lifestyle.
How Curalife Helps

With its scientifically backed formula, Curalin can be a valuable addition to your nutrition routine, providing support to your overall wellness and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking and more can lead to bad health.
How Curalife Helps

One of the biggest lifestyle challenges is changing your diet. With Curalife’s collection of recipes, you can enhance your lifestyle, discovering new flavors while supporting your health.

Weight plays a big role in how your body processes glucose. Being overweight can lead to further health issues and worsen how you feel on a day to day basis.
How Curalife Helps
Exercise Routines

Regular exercise plays a crucial role in weight management. Curalife’s blog offers a wealth of exercise routines, providing guidance to help you find the right fitness regimen that suits your lifestyle.

Your glucose levels are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
How Curalife Helps
Overall Support

You can’t fight your genes or your family history, but you can work with them. Curalife’s goal is to enable as many resources that will help you take control over your health and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Hear From Our Happy Customers
Our Clinical Trials - Ensuring Safety and Efficacy
We understand that for many customers, the lack of regulation in the dietary supplement industry can be concerning. That’s why Curalin is backed by a published double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, and boasts 2-4x better results than a placebo. Every participant reported improvements within a month.*
*results may vary

Endorsed By Doctors

Dr. Michael Binde
Functional doctor, blood sugar expert

Dr. Nancy Russell
Internal Medicine Specialist, North Kansas City Hospital

Prof. Itamar Raz
World renowned endocrinologist with over 400 published peer-reviewed studies
Ask Us Anything, We're Here to Help!
When should I take Curalin?
For the best results, we recommend taking CuraLin 30 minutes after meals.
How to determine how much Curalin I should take?
2 capsules after each meal, 3 times a day.
Is it normal to see results in less than 3 days?
The average time to see results with Curalin is 5-7 days. But it’s perfectly normal to see results from the very first day, or as much as 14 days.
Can I take Curalin alongside my medications?
Yes! Curalin is considered very safe to use, even alongside medications. But of course we recommend that you speak with your doctor before taking Curalin.
Where is CuraLin made?
Curalin uses ingredients grown and powdered in India. Capsuling and bottling is done by 3rd party labs in the USA or EU.
Are these supplements certified?
All of our supplements are made in NSF and GMP certified, and FDA registered facilities.